
SchemaJS is an open-source database system built on V8, the JavaScript engine, using JavaScript/TypeScript as its query language. This approach minimizes context switching between technologies, allowing for consistent use of the same language across your application stack.

Let's create your first database in under five minutes.

Install SchemaJS

Install SchemaJS on your system using one of the terminal commands below

curl -fsSL | sh

After installation, you should have the schemajs executable available on your system path. You can verify the installation by running:

schemajs --help

Hello World

SchemaJS supports both JavaScript and TypeScript natively, letting you implement your database using either language. To get started with your first "Hello World", refer to the following documentation.

After successfully installing schemajs, navigate to the folder where you’d like to initialize boilerplate code and run the following command:

$ schemajs init

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